About Us

Picamat [ Pick - A - Material ]


Picamat first launched in 2015 as an online platform for people to discover materials. Picamat seeking material around the world and do all the research before presenting to their users. Only manufacturers and brands that meet our founder Jessica and Omen’s selection criteria are given the possibility of presenting on Picamat.

Picamat was founded by two interior designers, Jessica and Omen. With their experience in the field, they understand all the process of getting a project done.


“ Designers are spending too much time researching materials and calling for information, pricing, stock and lead time. Picamat platform is designed to help saving time.”

Picamat also wants to save the environment, reduce the waste of unwanted samples and catalogues. Picamat online material library is the first step for people to search and select wanted and possible samples.

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The physical material library, Picamat Lab, were established in 2017. It’s a place where you can see and feel the real material, work and put-together your material board, it’s also a place to connect architects and designers, sharing ideas and inspiring each other.

“We do understand that no matter how much internet integrate into our daily work, designers need to see and hold physical samples.”

Picamat Lab is located in the center of Taipei. With two floors, the space not only showcasing materials but also includes a conference room built for collaboration and client presentation, magazine wall which provides a variety of international design magazines, and a coffee bar for you to take a moment to sit back, relax and enjoy coffee.

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Jessica Chen
Omen Lin
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Picamat is always seeking for people driven by curiosity and passion. If you are interested in design and material, and always thrilled to see new stuff, please get in touch, we want to know you!hello.picamat@gmail.com

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